Saturday, July 19, 2008

Life, life. life

Full day here on the homefromt. We had a VBS planning meeting today. Our VBS is starting on Monday, so we had a lot to accomplish. We painted murals for the offering contest, watched a worship video to play for the kids, ate pizza, hung posters, discussed a schedule, the list goes on and on. I am really looking forward to VBS this year and hope that we can show Christ's love to all of the kids that come in our doors and make Him very real to them.

This evening after the meeting, a group of us went to the 7th annual Comcast Outdoor cinema. Surf's Up was the movie this year. It was totally adorable. The Hubby and I had never seen it and we really enjoyed it. One of my high school English teachers was the "opening act" with his band, Six Pack Pretty. They played a lot of 70's and 80's music and it was fun to see him play. It became super cold at the end of the night, but we stayed until the end, packed up and headed home. It truly was a great day.

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