Monday, January 14, 2008

Life, over the weekend

Good Monday morning!

We had a very eventful weekend here at the homestead. Saturday morning both John and myself worked out of the house while The Boy had some quality time with his Nana and Papa.

In the afternoon, John relaxed at home watching the Seahawks, who unfortunatley lost their game; while I attended a baby shower for one of the girls that attends our church.

Saturday evening we had our monthly Young Adults meeting here at the house. Our theme was "Spiritual Resolutions" for the new year. We had an awesome time getting to know some of the new members a little better and everyone went away blessed hearing all the testimonies.

Sunday around here brings church, which we love. God is such a real presence in our lives and we love to gather with other believers and worship him. We have both morning and evening service at our church, and I am part of the worship team.

We returned home after the evening service and put The Boy to bed. John and I watched "Scott Baio is 46 and pregnant" to top off the night.

I hope that everyone else had a great weekend!


Angelita Tenorio said...

what is SHAM? anyway, nice page! really nice page!

Vansmom said...

SAHM means stay at home mom. It is a tough job, but I love it!