Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Life, with a head injury

My poor boy, it is hard to be a kid.

Yesterday, while having a tantrum at the playground, The Boy fell smack-dab on the back of his head from about 3 feet onto the cement. A mother's worst nightmare.

We rushed to the ER, and had about a 2 hour wait. He did pretty well in the beginning, but about an hour into the wait, he started grabbing his head and yelling "Owie, owie". It was heartbreaking. The ER doc came in, and was there for about 5 minutes. He checked his eyes and ears for blood, did not find any, Praise God! He was discharged to home with instructions to keep an eye on him and make sure that if anything changed, to bring him straight back to the ER.

He is just fine and dandy today. I just love him so much and hate him having any pain. As a parent, you want to save your kiddos from all the pain in the world, but it is not possible.

The Boy is almost 2, have I mentioned that? Here is a little slide show featuring The Boy. Enjoy!

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